Recommended Reiki Books 'One with Reiki’

Recommended Reiki Book Reading Series Introduction

So in this series, I offer a short concise view of some recommended books on the topic of Reiki. I thought it would be helpful as I get asked the question as to what Reiki books I would recommend on the topic. These are the books I recommend Reiki students read after taking Reiki courses. They can be interesting to those looking into Reiki, however, my view is more to read Reiki articles, to get an idea if it is something you would like to try or to take training in, then book a Reiki treatment to experience it, or attend Reiki training courses, then read Reiki books. As you tend to be able to understand the content in a deeper way having had Reiki training, or at least experienced it, so being introduced to topics that tend to be covered in the books.

One with Reiki (2020)
by Frank Arjava Petter

The Author

‘One Reiki’ was published in English recently in 2020, written by one of my Reiki teachers Frank Arjava Petter. Arjava is the Vice Representative of Jikiden Reiki. Arjava Sensei has devoted the last 25-plus years to uncovering the truth with regards Reiki history. Much of what we know as accurate Reiki history has come from his research. He is German by birth, so a Westerner, but he lived in Japan for a while, so can offer that perspective.

So What’s It About?

As an overview to get an idea, the book starts with our understanding of everything as one, our true nature. The book then goes into elements of Japanese thinking and culture, covering influences of differing religions and bitesize nuggets of the historical journey of Japan. Followed by topics such as a more in-depth look at the Gokai (Reiki principles) and meaning in our lives. Topics of our attitude when practicing Reiki, how we act along with guidance as to how to view life along your Reiki journey are also covered. The book is around 130 pages long.

My View of The Book

This book was very nice to read. For me It was not a deep, technical book, covering everything about Reiki. Arjava Sensei’s book ‘This is Reiki’ is good for that. This book was a lighter read, yet deeper, in a different way for me. What I mean, for me it builds on the technical depth of how to ‘do Reiki’ and all about it, to the deeper understanding, the subtle appreciation of the way of thinking of Japan at the time, the context of thinking and living in a way of, as the book is titled: ‘being ‘one with Reiki’. I think this book will help us stay in the right way of thinking and daily practice to develop on our Reiki path.

Me, I found the structure of the book great. Convenient short sections within each of the 9 chapters, covering important points to aid our understanding of Reiki. So I would read a few pages each day and absorb the points, so not a heavy read for me, more layering the understanding of Arvaja’s wealth of experience, well that’s how I read the book, that’s my style of reading anyway, you could read it in bigger chunks as well. I would say this book is a good read for any level of Reiki practice, whatever approach to Reiki you might be interested in. Just be aware some of the themes refer to things taught in authentic Japanese Reiki training, so might be best suited for those who have taken Reiki training. Or just read it, then take Reiki training, then come back to the book and read again.

Where can I buy a copy of the book?

You can find a purchase link for this boo and view my other recommended Reiki book titles here.

Reiki Courses with Shaun

I am mainly known nowadays for my work with Reiki, as a specialist in authentic Japanese Reiki. I am an experienced, Reiki teacher and practitioner with a proven track record of results. I offer Jikiden Reiki training courses, promoting authentic Japanese Reiki teachings. I am based in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, in the UK. I have a background in coaching and training in the areas of exercise coaching, holistic lifestyle, fitness, and performance coaching. I also have a BSc.(Hons) degree in Sport and Exercise Science, for more information visit:


The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. Shaun Mckeown, disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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