Recommended Reiki Books 'Light on The Origins of Reiki'

Recommended Reiki Book Reading Series Introduction

So in this series, I offer a short concise view of some recommended books on the topic of Reiki. I thought it would be helpful as I get asked the question as to what Reiki books I would recommend on the topic. These are the books I recommend Reiki students read after taking Reiki courses. They can be interesting to those looking into Reiki, however, my view is more to read Reiki articles, to get an idea if it is something you would like to try or to take training in, then book a Reiki treatment to experience it, or attend Reiki training courses, then read Reiki books. As you tend to be able to understand the content in a deeper way having had Reiki training, or at least experienced it, so being introduced to topics that tend to be covered in the books.

Light on the Origins of Reiki (2007)
by Tadao Yamaguchi

The Author

This book is written by my primary Reiki teacher Tadao Yamaguchi, who is the head of the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Japan. The book was published in 2007. Tadao sensei has a lifetimes understanding of Reiki (literally) Having learned Reiki from his mother Chiyoko Yamaguchi, who practiced Reiki for most of her life and was a direct pupil of Hayashi Sensei, a student of Usui Sensei, the founder of Reiki himself. These teachings form the teachings of the Jikiden Reiki Institute. (which is what I teach if you attend one of my Reiki courses). The Yamaguchi family has contributed hugely to our understanding of Reiki, in Japan and in the West.

So What’s It About?

This book looks at primarily the history of Reiki from the Yamaguchi family perspective and gives an insight into Japanese culture from a Japanese person, and with Tado Sensei a person who has grown up with traditional Japanese Reiki their whole life. This book provides a Japanese view of Reiki. It discusses the connection of the Yamaguchi family with early Usui Reiki in Japan, with detail of Chiyoko Yamaguchi, a wealth of experience with Reiki throughout her life, then through Tadao Yamaguchi, to the formation of Jikiden Reiki. This almost 200-page book also touches on Japanese culture and influences such as Shinto and the Japanese way of thinking. Views of Reiki practice are also discussed in this book along with detail on core Reiki concepts of Byosen and the Gokai (Reiki principles).

My View of The Book

A must-read for students of Jikiden Reiki, or anyone interested in Reiki and how it was practiced in its early days in Japan. This book forms part of my recommended core reading for the topic of Reiki for all Reiki students. With much of the understanding of Usui Reiki in its original form coming from the Yamaguchi family, with the family being a great source of original photographs of the period along with the depth of understanding of Reiki Tadao sensei provides, it makes an interesting read and is one of my core recommended Reiki reading books. As well as core reading for Jikiden Reik students, I believe this book can offer much to anyone with an interest in original Japanese Usui Reiki and Japanese culture.

Where can I buy a copy of the book?

You can view a link to purchase this book and view my other recommended Reiki book titles here.

Shaun Mckeown Jikiden Reiki Teacher

Shaun Mckeown specialises in authentic Japanese Reiki. Delivering Jikiden Reiki treatments and teaching authentic Japanese Jikiden Reiki in the UK. Shaun also supports Jikiden Reiki students and professionals. A strategic, creative problem solver with over 20 years of professional coaching experience helping people with health and well-being The last 12 + years specialising in Reiki. He has a BSc.(Hons) degree in Sport and Exercise Science, so has both science and holistic perspectives. learn more about Shaun at:


The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. Shaun Mckeown, disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.


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