Reiki Frequently Asked Questions

Reiki in General & Jikiden Reiki® Treatment Questions

What is Reiki?

The practice of Reiki is an original method of natural healing developed by Mikao Usui in Japan early 1920s. Reiki is a natural healing energy that works on every level, not just the physical, and is understood to promote the body’s regenerative self-healing ability. Reiki treatment is non-invasive and is used holistically to restore balance in mind and body, which anyone could benefit from. The most common and most widely accepted benefits of Reiki are its beneficial effects on emotional healing and a sense of overall well-being. Reiki’s ability to bring about deep relaxation is also well-known. Many also report Reiki bringing about a deep sense of overall calm and peace.

We live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things. When this energy flows uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us and we experience a sense of well-being. Our body uses Reiki energy to bring us into balance and is believed therefore to reinforce the body’s natural ability to heal itself at all levels, whether physical, mental, or emotional, to bring us more in alignment with our natural state.

As a natural form of healing, Reiki can support and enhance other forms of treatment. The method of receiving a Reiki treatment from a practitioner is simple. The recipient remains clothed and lies on a couch or sits on a chair and relaxes. The practitioner gently places their hands non-intrusively, on areas of the body and channels energy through them to you.

At its core, Reiki is a path of personal growth and development, however, most people’s first experiences of Reiki will be from receiving a Reiki treatment, it is commonly seen as a natural therapy, people can even be trained in Reiki, to further support healing, helping themselves and others with Reiki. It is a tradition that is open to any belief system. Reiki is a healing process that anyone can benefit from in the normal course of their life. For more understanding of what Reiki is, I have written a more comprehensive answer to this very question: What is Reiki? 

What is Jikiden Reiki®?

Jikiden Reiki is how Reiki was originally taught in Japan before it came to the West and approaches to Reiki started moving away from the original teachings and some understanding of Reiki was lost. In terms of what that means for your experience receiving Jikiden Reiki treatments with me, the main difference from what you would experience with most Reiki out there is in the way we deliver treatments. Jikiden Reiki treatments provide a more personalized and highly focused approach to delivering Reiki treatments. We quickly find and then intensively target your key areas of need, that your body will show us, through feedback through our hands, so your body shows us where to focus, we will commonly spend around 10 times longer at these key areas, compared to most approaches to Reiki. As a result treatment outcomes tend to improve. Jikiden Reiki also offers us a more measurable way to track your progress, as it was with Reiki originally. For more detail about Jikiden Reiki, see my article ‘What is Jikiden Reiki?’

Where does Reiki come from, or originate?

Reiki is both the name of the energy we use and the system of healing called Reiki. Reiki in terms of energy has always been around, some call it Ki, Chi, or Prana. The healing method created that is called Reiki was created in Japan in the early 1920s by Usui Sensei. For more about Reiki see my article: What is Reiki?

What is Reiki Healing?

Reiki healing is the name commonly used for Reiki treatments and the process of healing that comes from those treatments. The healing can be in relation to supporting our physical well-being, however, a lot of the healing tends to be on a mental-emotional level. See my article: Viewing Reiki from a healing perspective. Or have a look at my Reiki healing page, where you can find out more about having Reiki treatments.

What are the benefits of JIkiden Reiki®? How could treatment sessions help me?

Reiki is a healing process that anyone can benefit from in the normal course of their life. Reiki may encourage a deep sense of relaxation, a calmness, that can promote emotional well-being, as well as feelings of overall well-being. Many people feel more at peace as a result of reiki as well. We are heavily limited on what can be claimed of Reiki in the UK, so the best thing to do with anything really is to see the actual results and feedback from those who have actually experienced it and make your own decision as to if you would like to try Reiki. To look at a sample of the direct experiences of those I have helped with Reiki, visit my Reviews page.

What Can I Expect During a Jikiden Reiki® Treatment?

During a Jikiden Reiki treatment, you lie fully clothed on a therapy bed (treatments can be delivered seated if required). The treatment is conducted in a calm, quiet environment away from distractions where you can really relax. I place my hands where the imbalance is found and then channel Reiki energy through my hands to your body, which your body absorbs, this focused channeling of Reiki works to dissipate areas of tension and support better energy flow to promote balance. (Hand placement will be discussed with you prior to the treatment, with any modifications made to ensure you feel totally comfortable with the process). during which time you relax and unwind to some calming music.  

The experiences of Reiki treatments can differ, however, Reiki is commonly experienced as a gentle flow of energy promoting a deep sense of relaxation, which commonly continues after the treatment has ended. Clients may or may not feel sensations during a Reiki treatment. Benefits reported by clients include deep relaxation promoting a calm, peaceful sense of well-being on all levels. For information on Reiki treatments, see my Reiki treatment page

What are the common after-effects of a Jikiden Reiki® treatment?

The individual response to a Reiki treatment varies, as it’s unique to you at that time, however possible after-treatment effects could include: increased feelings of relaxation or an underlying sense of calm, be aware that it is also completely normal not to experience any of these sensations. Occasionally a person may experience mild physical sensations that are indicative of the body cleansing itself, as Reiki is understood to support the body's natural healing mechanisms. It is important to observe these sensations in a positive context, as they are signs of the body bringing itself back into balance. This is part of the healing experience also. There is more in-depth guidance available to you, which is located in your client account resources, so will be waiting for you when you book your first Reiki therapy treatment with me. For information on booking Reiki treatments, see my Reiki treatment page

How many treatments am I likely to need?

The number of Reiki treatments and indeed treatment frequency is dependent on various things, which may, for example, include: what you are looking to Reiki to help you within your life, the complexity of your current health and emotional well-being, the degree of balance in your life (or lack of), the length of time you have had challenges in certain areas of your life, as well as the degree of healing you are in need of.

A plan of care for someone with multiple severe health challenges would be very different from one for someone looking to Reiki to simply aid relaxation. I will be in a position to give you further guidance to this question at the end of your first Reiki treatment once I have had the opportunity to assess the level of any imbalances that exist for you, whilst also taking into consideration your needs and expectations. I will be in a more informed position to advise you. You can then decide what is right for you at that time and move forward as you wish from there. 

However, to try and give you some idea, a common pattern (with a moderate degree of the challenge) that is a balance between logistics, diary commitments, and finances that I might use could be an initial course of six regular treatments, say weekly treatments, then a review, with the likelihood of then 4-6 more as start moving into a phase of reducing the frequency of treatments over time. After a period of regular Reiki treatments, many people find that they wish to continue with their Reiki and then opt for a more 'maintenance' phase of treatments as a part of their ongoing health and well-being program, maybe every month and for the best results, many may also consider learning Reiki as well. For information on Reiki treatments, see my Reiki treatment page


Are Reiki treatments safe?

Yes, Reiki is completely safe and is used with people of all ages and with health challenges and there are no contraindications to a Reiki treatment. By its very nature, it is understood as healing energy, which is believed your body uses at a deep level to help restore balance and support healing and well-being. Occasionally there might be special factors that might need extra consideration, but Reiki is still safe for all. For information on Reiki treatments, see my Reiki treatment page

Can Jikiden Reiki® therapy be used in conjunction with conventional medicine?

Yes, Reiki is increasingly being used in more mainstream settings alongside conventional medicine. Be aware as a Reiki practitioner I am not trained in diagnosis and will not offer any diagnosis or prognosis. If you are concerned about any symptoms you should speak to your doctor, however, Reiki can be safely used with any medical treatment you are receiving. For information on Reiki treatments, see my Reiki treatment page

Can I have Jikiden Reiki® while on medications?

Yes, you can receive Reiki treatments whilst taking prescribed medications. In line with a good medical practice where prescribed drug regimes are reviewed on a regular basis. I would advise you to consult with the prescriber as to your personal prescribed medication regime, on a regular basis should you have Reiki regularly, any appropriate adjustments being at the prescriber's discretion. With a regular course of Reiki treatments, we support the body in a direction towards better balance in a holistic manner. Reiki is always supportive of well-being. Indeed many find an additional benefit of Reiki treatments is reducing side effects they may be experiencing with the medications they are taking. For information on Reiki treatments, see my Reiki treatment page

Is Jikiden Reiki® suitable for children?

Yes, Reiki is safe for children. In general, we find that children absorb Reiki energy quickly partially because they have been in this world less time to accumulate toxins and disruptions in thinking, as well as due to, their smaller relative size. This just means that they commonly require slightly shorter treatments (dependent on the severity of the challenges we are dealing with). Children are commonly less mentally conditioned than adults, so they are also more accepting of receiving energy as a natural thing. Reiki can have multiple applications in helping children in today’s modern world, be that helping them cope with the increasing pressures of academic exams, processing, and healing from a bereavement, or any number of life experiences. (NB: parental consent is required to conduct a Reiki treatment on any child or young person under the age of 16 years, a parent or guardian would also need to accompany any child to a Reiki treatment as well).

In my experience of helping children with Reiki, I have many times found that with the logistics of modern living and children's and indeed the famili’s schedules, I increasingly take the approach of empowering a parent to perform Reiki treatments on their own child. By training a parent in Reiki, either in the support of any professional treatments or on its own, increases the amount of Reiki a child can consistently receive, and reduces disruption to the child’s evening routine with the added benefit of a parent benefiting from the process directly. A big benefit of a parent is being able to directly support their child in this way, which is very special to many I help in this way. This all magnifies the treatment outcomes for the child. For information on Reiki training courses for parents have a look at my Jikiden Reiki Courses  For more details on the topic of Reiki and children I have written an article on this very topic which you can access Using Reiki to Help Children

Is Jikiden Reiki® suitable during pregnancy?

Yes, I have personally worked with many women during all stages of pregnancy and they have reported great benefits.

Can Reiki Help with Anxiety?

Many people come to Reiki for help with anxiety and in my experience many find it helpful. See my article on this topic: Can Reiki Help with Anxiety? 

Can I combine Jikiden Reiki® with other forms of natural therapy?

Yes, Reiki can complement various natural treatment forms. As Reiki is operating from a 'whole-person view and being holistic in nature, it can support other natural forms of treatment that also work from this holistic view. For information on Reiki treatments, see my Reiki treatment page

What should I be looking for to find the right Reiki practitioner to help me?

Firstly I would say pay attention to a practitioner you come across who you are drawn to. Have a look around their website, have a look at some reviews, take into account experience and training. For those, quality and results tend to be important, and they want to work with a trusted specialist in Reiki, who has a track record of results helping people and wants an experienced Reiki practitioner. Once you have someone you feel could help you I would say give them a ring and ask them some questions and see how you feel, then go with your instincts and give Reiki a try. To help you further I have written a guide to this very topic you can read more here. Guide to finding the right Reiki practitioner for you

What is the difference between types of Reiki with differing names in their title alongside the word Reiki?

In short, there is one original, authentic practice, which was called Reiki, which was created by the founder of Reiki Mikao Usui in the early 1920s in Japan. (this is what we practice and teach in Jikiden Reiki). When Reiki was introduced in the West, there were many misunderstandings of it, and parts were lost from the practice. These modified approaches gained popularity in the West, then even exported to Japan in the 1980s. Ever since teachers have been adding their interests and beliefs onto the practice of Reiki, many times adding a word together with the word Reiki to identify it, others change things, yet stay with the word Reiki on its own, or Usui Reiki, which has resulted in many approaches to healing out there called Reiki, that can be quite a distance away from the original. Many approaches can be helpful, however, there is huge variation in what people are doing under the banner of Reiki, I have written an article to help you understand this reality here. ‘Is there such a thing as styles of Reiki?’

Where can I find good books on the topic of Reiki?

There are so many books out there on the topic of Reiki. In reality, you only need a few key books to really get an understanding of Reiki. Below I have compiled a list of my recommended Reiki reading books that I would recommend to students, or those interested in Reiki. For each book, I have provided a quick overview of the book along with a link to get the book for you. My Recommended Reiki Reading

How Much Does A Jikiden Reiki® Treatment Cost?

Details of professional fees for Reiki healing appointments can be found at the base of the Reiki treatment page.

How Long is A Jikiden Reiki® Treatment?

Reiki sessions can be from 50 mins to 90 mins, however commonly 1 hour in most approaches to Reiki. In Jikiden Reiki we tend to do slightly longer sessions. I currently deliver 1 hour 15 min Reiki treatment appointments. Find out more and book from my Reiki treatment page.

Jikiden Reiki® Training Course Questions

Can anyone learn Reiki?

Yes, anyone can learn Reiki! It is actually deceptively easy to use and it will work for anyone. It is important you receive the correct training and receive an effective Reiju (clearing of energetic channels to be able to channel Reiki). Some sensations take longer to be easy to experience than others, but this comes with receiving further Reiju, receiving Reiki, and practice. You can find out more about Reiki training on my Reiki training courses page.

What are the differences between Jikiden Reiki and other types of Reiki (Western Reiki)?

Jikiden Reiki is all about preserving the original teachings of Usui Sensei (the founder of Reiki) the Reiki teacher lineage (teachers link back to the founder of Reiki) is very short, with no Western influences, maintaining the original Japanese idea and practices of Reiki is the focus. Jikiden Reiki was built around the training Chiyoko Yamaguchi received directly from Chujiro Hayashi in the 1930s. Maybe think of Jikiden Reiki as the closest thing to authentic Japanese Usui Reiki training in the world that is openly available to the public. To find out more about Jikiden Reiki see my article: ‘What is Jikiden Reiki?

Western Reiki has its roots in original Usui Reiki, it however lost some key components, understanding, and teachings in its move to the West, as well as the base Japanese culture and philosophy that ties into Reiki. This undoubtedly helped Reiki spread in the West and indeed back to Japan in the 1980s, however, this has led to in addition to fundamental misunderstandings of Usui Reiki, huge variations in what is taught under the name Reiki, and indeed has sprouted all these variations in styles of Reiki. I would suggest looking at my article: ‘Is there Such a Thing a Styles of Reiki?’ for more detail on this.

This topic is discussed in more detail in my article: Jikiden Reiki and Western Reiki, What are the Differences?

Can I do Both Courses Together, or is it Best To Wait a Few Months Before Doing The Second Level?

The short answer is that it is fine to do both the first-course ‘Shoden’ (meaning beginner level- comparable to what is termed in the West as Reiki level 1) and the second course ‘Okuden’ (meaning deeper level, comparable to what is termed in the West as Reiki level 2) at the same time. Indeed that is the recommended way and the most popular with Jikiden Reiki. Commonly Jikiden Reiki training courses in Europe and Japan are delivered as a 3-day event, days one and two are the Shoden course, with day 3 being the Okuden course. At this time I tend to deliver Shoden on one weekend, then deliver Okuden on a day the following weekend, simply for logistical reasons, as more people are available at weekends than in the week. Or if a bank holiday I may do the 3 days together. With Jikiden Reiki in general people commonly just sign up to the training and take the complete training, both Shoden and Okuden together. The option does exist to take the Shoden course, then at a future date take the Okuden level. If you are interested in learning Reiki with me and would like to discuss the options, you can get in touch and I am happy to discuss with you. For more information on this point see my article on this very question Is it best to take both Reiki course levels together or separately

How long does it take to learn Reiki?

There are 2 levels of training, the complete training (how most learn Jikdien Reiki) is over 3 days of in-person training. Broken down the first course is 2 days, and the second level is a 1-day course. Technically you can channel Reiki after day one, however over the 3 days with clearing and practices and learning the ability to channel Reiki improves. So I recommend doing the full 3 days of training. For details of upcoming course dates see my Reiki courses page.

How long are Reiki Courses?

The first Reiki level Shoden is a 2-day course in Jikiden Reiki and the second level Okuden is a 1-day course, these are commonly taken as 3 consecutive days of training. See my Reiki courses page for upcoming curse dates.

What are the different levels of training in Reiki?

In the original system of Reiki that we follow in Jikiden Reiki, there are 2 training courses, to learn the whole Reiki system, are Shoden (beginner level) and Okuden (deeper level). There are then the teacher levels. I have written an article to help you understand the levels we have as well as those used in Reiki more generally to help you understand this topic. Reiki levels Explained.

What do I need to Look for to Find the right Reiki Course and Teacher for me?

In my opinion, this question is a lot more important than who you may receive Reiki treatments from, as you should get some benefits from most approaches to Reiki. However, when it comes to who you select to take Reiki training with it is a much more important decision. you need to understand that what you will be taught under the title of Reiki will differ between Reiki teachers (unless it’s Jikiden Reiki, as we all agree to honor the original teachings and not change anything). For me, if I’m going to pay to learn Reiki, I want to learn Reiki in its accurate form and I want to learn the whole system, not have gaps and misunderstandings in it. This is such an important topic, I have written a guide to help you with this important decision. Finding the right Reiki Course and teacher for you.

Can you take online Reiki training courses?

I do not recommend anyone take online Reiki training in any circumstances! As with many things nowadays you can find course providers that will provide online Reiki courses, the point is it is not a good idea in my opinion. To find out why see my article: Are online Reiki courses a good idea? For in-person Reiki courses see my Reiki courses page.

I am already trained in Reiki, what can I gain from taking Jikiden Reiki training?

Firstly, great you have taken some training in Reiki. Many of my Jikdien Reiki students come to the training courses, having had some Reiki training. I was a Reiki Master teacher before I came to Jikiden Reiki and it was a game-changer for me! Think of Jikiden Reiki as a further course that builds on whatever you have been taught, or knew about Reiki before, we are grateful for that training, which got you here, now its time to add greater depth and another layer of understanding of Reiki and Japanese culture, all strengthening your study and practice of Reiki. The bottom line anyone interested in Reiki should learn the original way that Jikiden Reiki training courses offer. To help you I have written an article on this topic, highlighting the key benefits of Jikdien Reiki training to those who have had previous Reiki training. 10 Benefits of Learning Jikiden Reiki for Those Already Trained in Reiki

What is the detail of the Jikiden Reiki course content I will learn in the training courses?

Below is the detail of the course content for the Jikiden Reiki training courses for those who want to see this level of detail.

Jikiden Reiki® Shoden training course
beginner level (2-day course)

Your training is certified by the Jikiden Reiki® Institute, Japan

During the Jikiden Reiki Shoden (beginner level) course you receive three traditional Japanese Reiju (the process of enabling you to channel Reiki energy) in person directly from your Reiki teacher, which will enable you to access the natural healing energy of Reiki from that point forward, whenever you wish to, for the rest of your life. There is no exam element to the course, just supportive teaching, and guidance throughout. My priority is that you feel confident in your understanding and proficiency in using Reiki, the size of my Reiki classes is kept small to aid learning. The Jikiden Reiki courses I run are suitable for complete beginners to Reiki as well as those who have received training in Reiki before. Most courses are a mix of people new to Reiki and those who have had some previous training in Reiki elsewhere.

Course Content Details

  • You will receive the official Jikiden Reiki Institute course manual at the start of the training course

  • You will learn the accurate history of Japanese Usui Reiki, its journey from its start to today both in Japan and in the Western world (and back to Japan)

  • Understand key Japanese cultural concepts, belief systems, and ways of thinking, so you understand Reiki (as well as understand how misunderstandings of original Japanese teachings developed).

  • You will learn a real depth of understanding in the traditional Reiki Kanji (characters) and the meaning of Reiki, so you can really understand it.

  • You will learn in-depth about the Usui Reiki Gokai (principles of living Reiki) as well as how to pronounce them in Japanese.

  • You will receive the traditional Japanese ‘Reiju’ (the process to facilitate the ability to channel Reiki energy) not once, but on 3 occasions during the course. (each time helping you come back to center, clear, and build greater sensitivity in your hands).

  • You will learn a home practice technique- Hatsurei Ho: (a technique to help develop the sensitivity in your hands)

  • You will experience Reiki Okuri (group Reiki energy-building exercise)

  • You will understand what Reiki is and how it works to support your body's natural healing mechanisms and learn about the healing process, such as 'Heikin Joka: the body’s balanced cleansing processes

  • You will learn how to treat yourself with Reiki to support your own healing, health, and wellbeing

  • You will learn the corner-stone to Reiki treatments- the traditional Japanese Reiki concept of Byosen (understanding how to sense areas of toxicity or tension)

  • Learn the 1st Shirushi (symbol) its background, uses, and application to Reiki treatments (when it is used)

  • You will get the opportunity to practice giving and receiving Reiki as well as try some group practices such as Reiki Mawashi: (giving and receiving Reiki- group technique)

  • You will learn how Reiki was traditionally used as a first-aid tool in the home, with traditional Japanese Reiki techniques of Koki: (Reiki with Breath), Gyoshi: (Reiki with the eyes), and Bushi: (Reiki combined with a rubbing technique).

  • You will learn the traditional Japanese Reiki technique of Ketsueki kokan ho: Reiki Circulation Technique (a full-body technique to assist the body's cleansing processes)

Jikiden Reiki® Okuden training course
deeper level (1-day course)

Your training is certified by the Jikiden Reiki® Institute, Japan

The Jikiden Reiki Okuden (deeper level) course builds on the Shoden course, where in addition to receiving two further Reiju in the course you learn additional core Reiki techniques and we go deeper into the Japanese way of thinking and Reiki concepts. The prerequisites for Jikiden Okuden training are attendance on a Jikiden Reiki Shoden level training course, with an accredited Jikiden Reiki teacher. The techniques learned here are as relevant and valuable to complete beginners and widen the range of tools you have to help yourself and others, so both Shoden and Okuden are commonly taken together, which I would recommend in most cases (although the option does exist to take them separately). Remember ongoing support opportunities are available.

Course Content Details

  • You will receive traditional Japanese Reiju twice during the course

  • You will learn Enkakku Chiryo (distance Reiki treatment) where you will learn how to deliver Reiki remotely, as well as different situations it could be helpful in helping others. (2020 is a pretty good example in itself, where in-person hands-on Reiki treatment might not be possible, such as family and friends may be some distance away)

  • You will learn what is called the Jumon which relates to Enkakku Chiryo (a key component of the technique)

  • You will learn the second Shirushi (symbol) its background and its application within Sei heki Chyrio (the psychological treatment)

  • You will then learn the Japanese Kotodama (special Japanese words/ statement that is a key component to Sei Heki Chyrio (the psychological treatment).

  • You will then learn how to perform Sei heki Chyrio (the Psychological treatment) traditional Japanese technique specifically used to target unwanted habits, patterns of thinking, as well as emotional and psychological challenges, with application to a wide range of concerns from; specific fears, anxiety, unwanted habits, to emotional trauma, for both ourselves and others.

At the end of your Jikiden Reiki training courses

  • You will receive an official Jikiden Reiki English course certificate

  • You will also receive a personalized (your name handwritten in Japanese) Japanese traditional block print certificate, a replica of the certificates used in the early Japanese Reiki courses) issued from the Jikiden Reiki Institute, Japan. (these are ordered from Japan on completion of your training course with me. (note: if you take Shoden and Okuden training in close succession, you will receive one combined Japanese certificate).

Booking information for Jikiden Reiki courses

What is the cost of Jikiden Reiki training courses?

The course fees for Jikiden Reiki training can be found on the Jikiden Reiki courses page

How do I sign up for Jikiden Reiki training courses?

Simply go to the Jikiden Reiki course page, and towards the base of the page will be the course dates, check which ones you can attend and get in touch, let me know which course dates you wish to attend and I can confirm availability, and email you the details to book your place along with a link to make payment. Note: all Jikiden Reiki course places are booked in advance and courses are paid in full at the time of booking, through the secure online booking system. You can check course dates on the Jikiden Reiki courses page